What We Do

Leadership Coaching

Turn your flaws into strengths.

Reframe your story and disrupt the status quo to achieve effective solutions.

Workplaces and team environments are becoming more and more unpredictable and leaders who resist or remain comfortable in stagnation will not satisfy the ever-evolving leadership demands. Being authentic, vulnerable and transparent are crucial for leaders who desire to carry the mantle and exceed expectations. ECI offers unique one-on-one coaching that helps clients unpack and peel back the layers; making room for new ways of being. Through this experience, new behaviors and perspectives emerge which are conducive for improving efficiency and effectiveness.

Who is it for?

Our leadership coaching is a best fit for individuals who are:

What is the impact?

Leaders who embark on this coaching journey will:

Leadership Consulting

Who is it for?

Our leadership consulting is ideal for leaders or organizations that are:

What is the impact?

The outcomes of leadership consulting are:

Leadership Training

Who is it for?

Our leadership training is for:

What is the impact?

Leadership training will:

The Benefits of Working with ECI

Level Up

Gives the individual an opportunity to define their career goals in a realistic way. With the assistance of a coach, individuals can set goals and then actively work towards them. This will increase the likelihood that the goals will be achieved.

Enhanced Connections

When individuals are engaged, they are able to contribute more effectively to the team and the organization. This engagement also helps to increase employee retention rates for the organization.

Deeper level of learning

Coaching isn’t just about improving an individual’s skills in the workplace; it takes learning to an even deeper level. Through coaching, an individual can learn more about themselves. They can find out how they are perceived by others and improve on areas of their personalities and even their lives that they are not satisfied with.

Safe place to gain perspective

Having a coach gives the individual a safe place to go and talk through sensitive issues. They can then gain perspective without feeling intimidated by someone within their own organization.

Build a Personal Awareness

A coach is able to offer clients ways to improve themselves, but more importantly they can help them become aware of the “blind spots”. These blind spots are areas of the individual’s work or personality that they may not see.

Support for Improving Specific Skills

Having support for improving skills can be extremely beneficial. Knowing that someone is there to help you achieve goals is an important part of the coaching process. These specific skills can include communication, delegation, conflict management, team building, and persuasion.

Difference Between Coaching & Consulting

“Coaching is often likened to consulting. However, there are distinct differences between these disciplines. A consultant is usually a specialist in a given area. They are hired to give recommendations and provide solutions. A consultant works with a client to solve a particular problem or to address a specific issue. Once the problem is solved or the issue addressed, the consultant leaves. Generally, a consultant doesn’t get involved with areas outside of their specialty. Coaching uses a more holistic approach. With the client, the coach examines the situation, creates a plan of action, and works side by side to resolve the issue. The coach does not have to be an expert in the client’s business. The client is the expert. The coach collaborates with the client to create a solution using the client’s knowledge and answers.

While people, and companies, will often choose a coach who has previous experience or expertise in the field that they work in, the coaching methodology does not require this. Consultants however, build their businesses around the knowledge they have gathered over time in the specific field in which they then offer consulting expertise. They are expected to provide advice, information and anecdotes about the field. The coach, on the other hand, does not have the answers and does not claim to have them. They have the questions that allow the client to find their own answers and clarify their own values.”

— International Coach Academy